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A Big Thankyou | 1K Followers & Chit-Chat


I'm so excited that my little blog has reached 1000 followers. As some of you may know, I've been in hospital this week and nothing cheered me up more than seeing I'd finally reached such a big blogger milestone. I'm planning on doing a giveaway in the new year to say thankyou to all of you for being such a wonderful bunch - so keep your eyes peeled for that! I have lots of plans for my little slice of the interwebs in the coming year, and really can't wait to get back into the blogging swing of things!

I know some of you were wondering why I've been in hospital. I tried to reply to you all but I've been so sleepy! I can honestly say I most definitely didn't look very 'beauty bloggery' the past couple of days, that's for sure. I haven't had a scrap of makeup on my face for about a week now and I cannot wait to be back to my normal self. It's made me realise how important having my health is - I'll never take it for granted ever again. I'll keep it short and sweet but I basically had a severe reaction to some antibiotics I had been taking, it started on Saturday lunchtime but I took a massive turn for the worst on Tuesday lunchtime and ended up in an ambulance in my leopard-print pyjamas! I've never been so terrified in my life and although I'm getting better now and in the end it wasn't life threatening, it wasn't a very pleasant experience - at one stage I couldn't even walk! Apparently it was quite a rare reaction, and I was so scared of what was happening to me - i felt so out of control. Of course, suffering from panic attacks made it 10 times worse and I lost count of the amount of times I had one - I think my heart rate was over twice what it should be when I arrived at hospital...eek! I was hooked up to a machine all night, had oxygen masks placed on my face countless times and lost count of the amount of injections and drips I was given. I feel so lucky to be healthy and that it was just a little 'blip' - you see some awful things in hospital and it just makes you realise how lucky you are. The nurses are all rushed off their feet but are so caring and lovely, the paramedics instantly calmed me down and had a little joke with me and kept me talking; we are so lucky to have such a wonderful health service.  Luckily I'm on the mend now, aside from some rather swollen hands which resemble bear paws.. opening a tin of Vaseline has never been such a challenge!

Thankyou for all of your well wishes on Twitter - I'm sorry if I haven't replied to them all but I can honestly say they have perked me up no end! Call me cliche, but blogging is such a big part of my life and I'm so happy I have all of you there to have a natter with. The social side of blogging is honestly the best part of being a blogger and I will continue to be amazed by our wonderful little online community - I sometimes wish we could all just move to a little beauty-blogger town on a little beauty-blogger island and we could all share cocktails and swap lipsticks and beauty tips til our heart's content... That would be just fabulous..

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