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Blogmas 2020

Christmas is all encompassing. For the month of December there is a Christmas spirit and overall joy that takes over and it is in't just the mulled wine that causes this festive haze. There is just a joy and levity which comes from having decorations up and a spiced candle scenting your home for the month. In a way I think December is the most inviting month of the year, just maybe not this year. 

Whilst we might not be able to go out in the same way that we would have last year, hopefully with the end of lockdown we will be able to go out a little bit more and see those who matter to us the most. I still live with my immediate family so I have spent my entire lockdown with them so to be honest I am more excited about seeing some of my friends but I understand that a lot of people will simply be happy to see their family. 

Whilst we have been in lockdown during November, I have been contemplating whether I would be doing Blogmas this year.


I am aware not everyone will be familiar with the concept of Blogmas so I will elaborate. Blogmas is a festive challenge for blog writers where you are supposed to write a festive post everyday in the lead up to Christmas. For the past two years I have taken part in this challenge and beamed with pride as I have completed it but this year is going to be a little bit different. 

This year I have not had the time to prep for Blogmas like I usually world. Normally I would start considering my content around August and from October onwards it would be full steam ahead with the post writing. To be honest I would have most of it done by December and all I would need to do was edit but this year I just didn't do this. 

Since last year I have swapped jobs and my new job keeps me a lot busier than my old one so by the time I finish for the day I no longer want to look at my laptop as I have been on one all day. This has meant that I have cut down to two blog posts a week and meant that I couldn't face the prep or the idea of doing so much content for Christmas. Perhaps next year I will consider going back to it but whilst I still feel like I am finding my feet at my job, I will not be doing the full on challenge this year. Instead I will be taking a more minimalist approach. 

There will still be Christmas content all month but it just won't be 7 days a week, instead it will be more like 3 days a week, possibly more depending on how I am feeling. I still want to write plenty of content but doing so is another matter. I will of course keep you updated with all blog posts that go live over on my Instagram and my Twitter so follow one of those to see when I post. 

Closing the Year

With 2020 drawing to a close, we are all hoping that a new year will bring the new hope that we did not receive during 2020. For every single person, the year was not what we expected but to maintain some form of normality I am closing out the year with an annual classic, Blogmas. It may not be to the same extent as previous years as I simply do no have the time anymore but all month I will be posting Christmas related posts. 

Christmas has always been and will always be my favourtie time of year. Even though the nights have drawn in so we get limited daylight and we have to get our Winter wollies out, there is something so warm and beautiful about Christmas as a whole. Typically I would take the time to see all of my friends (no matter how far away they are) and spend hardly any time in my house. This year is definitely going be different but I am still looking forward to Christmas as much as I would any other year. 

Check out some of last years Blogmas:

The Body Shop
Fenty Xmas
An Aldi Xmas
Patricia Bright x Revolution

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