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Delux Beauty Samples in Australia

Hey yo wassup!

I've noticed more and more of these 'delux sample delivery services' sprouting up in Australia in the recent months so I'm here to talk about it!

First of all, what is this service I'm talking about?

From my understanding,

It's a simple concept where the company will select 3-6 beauty items in sample sizes, pack them into really pretty boxes and deliver them straight to your door step.

The purpose of this service is to allow us to try a variety of brands and products at a low price (as they are samples).

I'm really glad to hear that there are more and more of these services available in Australia because I always wanted to try Birchbox, but they only ship to the US.

I've decided to compile a list of these sample delivery services here in my blog because I don't think there's a list like this on the web so far.

So without wasting more of your time, here's the list!

❝ First up, we have Beauty Box. ❞

I'm really excited with Beauty Box because they have loads of main stream cosmetic brands such as Bobbi Brown, Clinique, Shiseido, Shu Uemura and YSL!

The other brands are pretty well know as well, which is a major plus for me.


❝ Secondly, we have Lust Have It. ❞

Does the name roll of the tongue for you?


I must have it!

From the looks of brands involved, it looks like the brands are leaning towards beauty health care, over cosmetics.

I mean, they have Lush in the list!

Who doesn't love Lush??

Enough said.


❝ Thridly, we have Bella Box. ❞


❝ Fourth, we have I Love This Box. ❞

Unfortunately, the website for I Love this Box is not up yet.

The link above will you bring you to their Facebook page.


❝ Lastly, we have Haute Box. ❞

This website is driving me nuts.

Their website's not set up yet and their facebook page diverts you straight to their website, which is empty.

So, that means there's no way of knowing anything more about this company.

I'm guessing this website won't be up and running soon because there don't seem to be any information available.

I hope you find these information useful.

I'm yet to join any of these companies yet because I'm planning to stalk around before I take the plunge. =P

Cheers my darlings!!

♡ ♡ 


p.s. Picture taken from the respective websites. If the company wants me to take the pictures down, holler, and it shall be done. =)

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