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Yes to Blueberries Age Refresh 30 Pre-Moistened Brightening Facial Towlettes - Review

For years I have avoided make-up remover towelettes like the plague. In my mind, I used to think they were outrageously expensive and pointless. I totally bought these on whim. They are normally $10.99 Canadian in Shoppers Drug Mart. I got them on sale for $7.99. There are 30 in a pack. I just felt like something different and I love the smell of blueberries and lemon. I thought of this purchase as extravagant on my part. Then I started using them. I feel like my world has changed. They smell so good and they are so refreshing! I have since tried a couple of other brands and they don't compare to these at all. I will have to get to those reviews shortly.

In order to justify this purchase and my future purchases of this product, I sat down and thought about it. The fact is that if I start to add it up, I spend a small fortune on cotton pads, toner and make-up remover each year. I don't buy cheap toner and I don't buy cheap make-up remover. I am sure I spend the equivalent of $10 on toner, makeup remover and cotton pads easily in a month. I use one of these almost every day. Thirty in a pack.....so maybe this is a good purchase, especially if I get them on sale.....

I have a confession to make. One of the worst habits I have and have always had is I leave my makeup on too long everyday. I always take it off before bed, but I really need to start doing that when I get home and I am in for the night. I am sure my skin has suffered over the years as a result. These towelettes are quick and easy and make my skin feel so refreshed and soft. I actually want to use them. Hell, I am itching to use one as I type this. I love them that much! Now, I have used these to remove my eye make-up, not sure if I am supposed to for that (oops), and they are somewhat effective for that purpose and it does not irritate my eyes at all. I have used other towelettes in the Yes to brand and they stung my eyes like mad. So I am not recommending this practise, I am just saying....

These are great for when I get home from work and I am feeling too lazy to wash my face. Now I do find that if I run a bit of toner over my face after I use one that some trace make-up still comes off. So these are not the be all end all in make-up removal. But it does take the lion's share of it off. I can easily go through a couple of cotton pads of toner and make-up remover after I wash my face normally so using these wipes really cuts down on the usage of that stuff. Also, these wipes are super gentle and softening. They supposedly have apple and lemon peel to cleanse and moisturize all in one. It says it is 99% natural product too which I like. I honestly love these. They make me happy as lame as that is to say. They really stay moist and do not dry out. The double seal is excellent on these. The only negatives is the price and that I wish they took off 100 percent of my make-up. I have never used two of these at one time. Maybe that would do the trick. Maybe I should try that but that does seem indulgent...

Rating: 8.5/10

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