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5 Things To Cut Every Month To Save Money

Spending money is easy, but saving money can be just as easy if you actually take a look at your statement every month.  As you take a look at your statement, you'll realize that you're spending a lot of money on silly little things that you can easily cut out of your life to put that money into your savings.  One thing we've learned as we've graduated from school is how important it is to have money in your savings, so we thought we'd put together a list for you all so you can start putting money in your bank!

1. Getting Your Nails Done
You can save easily close to $100 every month if you didn't get your nails professionally done.  We learned to do our nails ourselves and really it's allowed us to save a whole lot of money every month.  If you can't do your own nails, have a nail party and have your girlfriend do it for you!

2. Eating Out
You probably spend way more than you think on eating out- this is something that adds up fast!  Every social gathering typically is around eating out and when you socialize a lot, especially in the sorority world you end up paying a lot on food.  Be mindful of it next time and perhaps pack up food before you had to campus!

3. Those Starbucks Drinks!
Okay, similar to #2, but we all love our coffee!  If you think about it, you can easily make coffee at home, but you go to a coffee shop and spend at least $3 on a cup of coffee.  If you do the math, if you get coffee 5 times a week every month that's $60 (or more) that you can be saving a month!  

4. Subscription Based Products/Businesses
Those subscription based businesses are doing well for a reason, girls! We all spend $10 here and there on subscription based businesses like Birch Box and forget that money is actually being taken out of our account every month automatically for these packages we get every month!  

5. iTunes
So iTunes is great because you can download any music you want and download and watch any TV show or movie, but don't forget that your bank account is linked up and it can easily add up!  If you're buying and downloading TV shows or movies that you're just going to watch once, why not just pay a small fee and pay for Hulu+ or Netflix instead?

Again, it's so easy to spend money, so think about what you're really spending money on and if it is ABSOLUTELY necessary.  You can easily be saving $200-300 a month just by the things we listed above.  What are some other things that you can be saving money on?

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