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Lonely Dot : Pleasantville

I wrote about Lonely Dot back in March when I first heard about the website via the Wildfox blog. The site is now live and I am overjoyed to find that it lives up to its potential. The shop is brim full of extra-special vintage goodies and there are photo diaries documenting Janell and Kimberley's travels to locate said vintage goodies. 
What I didn't expect were the awesome editorial shoots that sit alongside the rest of the content. There are currently four shoots live on the site and whilst I couldn't pick a favourite, I decided upon the above 'Pleasantville' shoot to share here. The brash pastel hues, sugary sweet settings and Valley of the Dolls styling are spot on for s/s12.

Photos . Curtis Buchanan
Stylist . Melis Kuris

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