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Review: The Ordinary 100% Organic Cold-Pressed Borage Seed Oil

I've been a beauty blogger here at Temporary Princess for quite a few years now, and it never ceases to amaze me what beauty innovations, or what sort of ingredients end up making their way into skincare, and that's exactly why I chose to buy myself a bottle of The Ordinary 100% Organic Cold-Pressed Borage Seed Oil. I will be honest and say that I never knew of the existence of the Borage Plant until I saw this little bottle of goodness.

Rich in EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids), more specifically, GLA (Gamma-Linolenic Acid), Borage Seed Oil is meant to help hydrate dry and irritated skin, and also be helpful for those with sensitive and acne-prone skin. It is also meant to be sustainably-sourced, organic and cold-pressed. This is also a good alternative for those who are sensitive to nuts, because it is free from nuts, water, silicone and gluten, not to mention that it's also got the added bonus of being cruelty-free and vegan.

Like a lot of oils, this comes in an amber dropper bottle, which has an effective suction action, meaning that you end up with a decent amount of product each time you dip into the bottle. It is unscented, and the oil is quite rich, which can result in still feeling quite slippery for up to an hour after application. It doesn't feel cloying, nor is it too thick or uncomfortable, however, which is good. This means that at least while it's rich, it isn't heavy.

My skin has been feeling more moisturised and really soft of late, and I feel like I can attribute at least some of that to the use of the Borage Seed Oil. For only $7.20 for 30 ml of product, this is easily one of the most affordable oils, which is nourishing to boot. You can find it for yourself here on Adore Beauty, as well as other retailers, including Myer. 

What has been your favourite product from The Ordinary so far?

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