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Full court press against Trump Part (43 ) Bill Maher has Obama era CIA chief to bash Trump as third biggest threat to the nation

  Larry Frost
Bill Maher is a fuck face like no other and worthless human being and another late night shill for global Canadian and Chinese capital Bil Maher is old and a troll and should really be attending a garden club than being allowed on late night television and he had been ruthlessly smearing and attacking president Trump because Trump is a republican and doesn't share the extreme left-wing views of a Bill Maher. William had former CIA John Brennon on his program and the two shit proceeded to call trump every name in the book and Maher and others have been doing this from day one as Trump destroyed trusted political operatives for the international investing classes. Bill fuckface o the biggest threat to America behind the revolutionary war and the civil war. The crisis they were talking about is the profits of the connected upper elites that benefited from international trader and sell out of American assets and resources to foreign corrupt one party authoritarian states like China  and bordering neighboring states that always see America as their biggest threats regardless of who is the president.
Maher and this former CIA shit wish to see the selling off and sell out of America continue unabated and their thrashing and bashing on Trump is because they are receiving payback and financial support for continuing to try to lie to the American peopole on all things Trump and the media is the enemy of the American people being bought off and held as an asset by these foreign global business interests out for themselves and continuing the Bush,Clinton, and Obama legacy of selling out America. Maher and CIA sellout intelligence officer John  Brennon are true and have a clue that we are in the third biggest crisis oin Americas history but this crisis is having an inept dishonest media out for the interests of the global elite class wishing to continue to milk this nation and drag it down for their own financial interests and growth.
Bill Maher also called out for the liberal cheap Hollywood shits to put more money into the propaganda battle against Trump and particularly to donate to late night television programs like himself, Jimmy Fallon Jimmy Kimmel, Trevor Noah, Seth Rogin, John Oliver , and ahhh asshole Stephan Colbert so they can keep up the pressure and prevent the likes of Hannitty .Limbaugh, O'Reilly  and Mark Levin form gaining  traction and holding these prized and valuable political  television slots

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